Rambling Rubbisher, plicyklist

Since 2014, "Every little bit helps."

Hello! I'm the Rambling Rubbisher (folks call me Rub for short), and I write on-line reviews about publicly accessible garbage receptacles. In exchange for your generosity, I promise to continue plicykling a bicycle basket of trash every day making the world a tad bit nicer. Every little bit helps. Please donate today.

As I travel the world seeking out new bins to review, map and sometimes berate, I ride a bicycle picking up trash with a grabber stick(see video above). My blog posts consist of bicycle baskets full of trash. The garbage bins are just where I dumped, and the non sequitur strings of nonsense are my thoughts manifested.

If you are here because I handed you a business card, Welcome! It is rare to get a witness, let alone to get a card in a hand. You definitely said something nice, and if you remember your moment of witness, just let that light shine. Every little bit helps.



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Get into plicykling:

OK, down to business. My name is Craig. The Rambling Rubbisher project is basically an attempt to monetize plicykling. If successful, I will travel city to city, picking up trash, exploring the local bicycle infrastructure, and promoting plicykling. That is the big picture goal, but sadly I have been trying to monetize this project for over four years without success. If you have any tips, please email me at therub at ramblingrubbisher.com

Monitization aside, this project and activity has revealed a curious by-product which is worth noting.

This activity is a hack on culture. In what I can only describe as a corporate controlled selfish fake culture, random acts of kindness seem to poke at these "cultural bubbles" we have all encased ourselves in. I am convinced that when someone witnesses my activity, their inner light shines a little brighter, and that in of itself is THE most important result we need right now to make the world a better place.

The hack on culture aside, in the end, a bicycle basket of trash is being removed from the streets and bike paths. I'm probably going to keep mentioning this, especially when it comes time to grovel for cash.

In conclusion, think of something nice you can do for somebody else, then keep doing that.


What is plicykling?

plicykling (plī-si-k(ə-)liŋ) - plicykling is a combination of picking up litter with bicycling merging the Swedish verbs plocka upp (pick up) and cykling (bicycling) giving us the new Swedish verb plicykling. Based off of the portmanteau plogging the currently trending word is pliking which means hiking and picking up AND biking and picking up. I think biking and picking up should have its own word. A plicyklist does not stop or dismount the bicycle.

When did this begin?

In April 2014, I rolled into the world on a single speed beach cruiser, and I have been picking up trash (averaging one bicycle basket a day) ever since. In March 2018, I started posting and began mapping bins on openstreetmap.org/user/RamblingRubbisher with a vague thought of calling it a travel blog and trying to get sponsors and advertisers in an attempt to monetize the activity. "Chapter one" concluded with 500+ posts and 300+ mapped bins.


This started out being just for fun, but in March 2018 I decided to go bigger. Wanting money aside, this project also has created a platform for a voice which tends to be useful if one has something meaningful to say or is cursed with useless dumb thoughts. To set the tone here, my own mother reads these posts, so it is fine. There is innuendo and I am crass at times, but I'm trying to be funny. They are just jokes. It can absurdly be called a travel-blog centered around garbage bins and bicycle culture, but I'll leave that up to you. It is generic observations at best. At worst it can slide into thought provoking acerbic dissertations of social commentary and possibly dark brooding humor. I'm just saying, the Rub's cerebral outputs might not be suitable for all audience members.

What now?

Enjoy the posts? (shrugs shoulders), and here comes that money groveling. Obviously my posts are not of practical value, but they are a record of a bicycle basket full of trash being taken off your bike paths and streets. That has to be worth something, so that is what I am putting out there. (insert dickensian oliver twist street urchin image here) Currently, patreon.com, bitcoinand PayPal are the only means to funnel me monetary units. If you would like to give another way, please email me at therub at ramblingrubbisher.com. Let's see how this plays out.


Nobody is clamoring; how is this possible?

How is it possible to make over 850+ stupid comments about pictures of trash and a bin? This is how.

All text, images, and videos are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright 2018-2025 Rambling Rubbisher